FDES for Windows, Version 003a, September 1994 Registration Agreement for Use License Agreement: This license gives the user the right to install and use one copy of FDES. If the user of a registered copy of FDES is the PRIMARY USER of more than one machine (for example, one at work, one at home, and a laptop), a single license will cover all machines that are USED PRIMARILY by the registered user. Users of FDES must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "FDES is supplied as is. The authors disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The authors assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of FDES." Service will be guaranteed for a period of at least 90 days of the date of registration. Support will be provided by Mail, FAX or by electronic mail in CompuServe. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM FOR FDES for Windows, Version 003a, September 1994 Please print electronically, or clearly by hand. Name: Address: : : : : Country: Phone: FAX: Compuserve: Diskette Size (3.5" HD is default): Signature:______________________________________________ Please attach a cheque or money order for $75.00 (U.S.) OR £50.00 (Sterling) Shipping and Handling is free in U.K. (Overseas locations please add $2.00 [£1.50]) and mail to: BMC Programs Ltd Old School House School Gardens Shrewsbury SY1 2AJ United Kingdom Make cheque payable to: BMC Programs Ltd Please note that volume discounts, site licenses, and bundling prices can be obtained by contacting us directly. Tel. (UK) (0)743-248515 FAX. (UK) (0)743-236214 Compuserve 100034,1217 -------------------------------------------------------------- USER SURVEY While we have your attention, please answer the following survey. This will help us to determine future enhancements to FDES, and to track the distribution of FDES. If you need more room, just add more lines. This is YOUR chance to particpate in the development process. 1) Where did you get FDES? (ex: CompuServe VB Forum) 2) What are your two favourite features? a b 3) What are your two least favourite features? a b 4) Have you ever registred a Shareware Program before? If so, how many? (enter 0 if none)? 5) What features would you like to add to FDES? 6) Any general comments? Thank you for your input!